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Updated on GitHub 4 months ago (see history)

How to protect Mac computers from cold boot attacks

How to protect Mac computers from cold boot attacks


Run following command using “Terminal” app.

sudo pmset -a destroyfvkeyonstandby 1 hibernatemode 25 standbydelaylow 0 standbydelayhigh 0


destroyfvkeyonstandby 1 tells macOS to destroy password when computer goes to standby mode.

hibernatemode 25 tells macOS to store the content of the RAM to the hard drive and power off the RAM (which clears its data).

standbydelaylow 0 tells macOS to enable standby mode immediately when battery is low and computer is put to sleep.

standbydelayhigh 0 tells macOS to enable standby mode immediately when battery is high and computer is put to sleep.

Run man pmset using “Terminal” app for more information.

Want things back the way they were before following this guide? No problem!

Run the following pmset command using the Terminal.

sudo pmset -a destroyfvkeyonstandby 0 hibernatemode 3 standbydelaylow 10800 standbydelayhigh 86400


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